var offerNames = [];/*{{{*/ var offerDescriptions = []; var offerShortDescriptions = []; var offerPrices = []; var offerMinDays = []; var offerMaxDays = []; var offerUnfolds = []; var offerParents = []; var offerPricePerStay = []; var offerDateFrom = []; var offerPaymentOnlineLocked = []; var offerPaymentOfflineLocked = []; var offerPaymentPreauthLocked = []; var offerPaymentReceptionLocked = []; var offerPaymentEnquiryLocked = []; var offerAdvanceLocked = []; var roomEnquiryOnly = []; var roomNames = []; var roomDescriptions = []; var roomPrices = []; var roomCapacities = []; var roomMaxExtensionCounts = []; var onlyRoom = 0; var receptionPaymentSelected = 0; var extensionsNames = []; var optionsNames = []; var months = ['', 'STYCZEŃ', 'LUTY', 'MARZEC', 'KWIECIEŃ', 'MAJ', 'CZERWIEC', 'LIPIEC', 'SIERPIEŃ', 'WRZESIEŃ', 'PAŹDZIERNIK', 'LISTOPAD', 'GRUDZIEŃ']; var selectionStarted = 0; var selectionDateStart = ''; var selectionDateEnd = ''; var selectionCurrentDate = ''; var currentDateFrom = ''; var savedCurrentDateFrom = ''; var currentOffer = 0; var reservationComplete = 0; var totalPrice = ''; var discount = 0; var extensionsPrice = 0; var extensionsCount = 0; var undoElement = false; var undoSelect = ''; var offer_id = 1; var roomIds = []; var roomAmounts = []; var pendingRequests = 0; var scrollPosition = 0; var sliderDirection = "left"; var sliderOffers = 0; var activeStep = 1; var firstDisplay = 0; /*}}}*/ function paymentReturn() {/*{{{*/ $(".payment-status").html("(potwierdzona opłacona)"); $("#payment-finalized").show('slow'); $("#makeReservationButton").unbind(); $("#makeReservationButton").val("Drukuj"); $("#makeReservationButton").show(); $("#makeReservationButton").click(function() { $("#step1-top").hide(); $("#step2-top").hide(); $("#step3-top").hide(); $("#makeReservationButton").hide(); $(".reservation a").hide(); window.print(); }); }/*}}}*/ function roomsString() {/*{{{*/ var roomsAmount = ''; $(".room_amount").each(function() { roomsAmount += + ":" + $(this).val() + "/"; }); return roomsAmount; }/*}}}*/ function optionsString() {/*{{{*/ var optionsCounts = ""; $(".option-checkbox").each(function() { if (this.checked) { optionsCounts += + ":" + $("#" + + "-amount").val() + "/"; } }); return optionsCounts; }/*}}}*/ function extensionsString() {/*{{{*/ var extensionsCounts = ""; $(".extensions-options-select").each(function() { extensionsCounts += + ":" + $(this).val() + "/"; }); return extensionsCounts; }/*}}}*/ function selectedRoomsHtml() {/*{{{*/ var roomsHtml = ""; $(".room_amount").each(function() { var roomId ='rooms_amount_', ''); var capacityIco; for (i=0;i<$(this).val();i++) { capacityIco = roomCapacities[roomId]; if (parseInt(capacityIco) > 6) { capacityIco = "x"; } roomsHtml += '
'; roomsHtml += '
'; roomsHtml += 'Cena: ' + (roomPrices[roomId] / $(this).val()).toFixed(2) + " zł
"; roomsHtml += ''; if (0 && roomMaxExtensionCounts[roomId] > 0) { // TODO; potrzebne? roomsHtml += '
+ '; roomsHtml += '
'; } else { roomsHtml += '
'; } roomsHtml += ''; roomsHtml += ''; roomsHtml += 'opcje dodatkowe » '; roomsHtml += '

'; roomsHtml += '
'; } }); return roomsHtml; }/*}}}*/ function updateSummary() {/*{{{*/ var optionsTotal = 0; var advance_percent = 0.3; var is_immediate_payment = 0; var online_payment_avail = 0; var offline_payment_avail = 0; var preauth_payment_avail = 0; var reception_payment_avail = 0; $(".option-checkbox").each(function() { if (this.checked) { optionsTotal += parseFloat($("#" + + '-value').val()) * $("#" + + '-amount').val(); } }); $("#summary-visitors-count").html("Ilość gości: " + visitorsCount() + ""); $("#summary-extensions-price").html(extensionsPrice.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-extensions-price").html(extensionsPrice.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#summary-options-price").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-options-price").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-base-price").html(parseFloat(totalPrice).toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-discount").html((parseFloat(totalPrice) * discount).toFixed(2) + " zł"); optionsTotal += parseFloat(totalPrice) + extensionsPrice - parseFloat(totalPrice) * discount; $("#summary-total").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-total").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); if ($("#payment-full:checked").val() != undefined && $("#payment-full:checked").val() == "full") { $("#amount-to-pay").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#paymentFormAmount").val(optionsTotal.toFixed(2)); $("#step3-to-pay").html(optionsTotal.toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-payment-form").html("Całość"); } else { $("#amount-to-pay").html((optionsTotal * advance_percent).toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#paymentFormAmount").val((optionsTotal * advance_percent).toFixed(2)); $("#step3-to-pay").html((optionsTotal * advance_percent).toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#step3-payment-form").html("Zadatek"); } }/*}}}*/ function daysCount(date1, date2) {/*{{{*/ var startParts = date1.split('-'); var endParts = date2.split('-'); var startDay = new Date(startParts[0], parseInt(startParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(startParts[2], 10)); var endDay = new Date(endParts[0], parseInt(endParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(endParts[2], 10)); return (endDay.getTime() - startDay.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24); }/*}}}*/ function updateRoomExtensions() {/*{{{*/ var parts ='room-extensions-options-', '').split('-'); var room_id = parts[0]; var room_no = parts[1]; var extension_no = parts[2]; var extensions_count = parseInt($(this).val()); var current_room_extensions = 0; var skipExtensions = 0; $(".extensions-options-select").each(function() { if ("room-extensions-options-" + room_id + "-" + room_no + "-") != -1) { current_room_extensions += parseInt($(this).val()); if ($(this).hasClass('extension-skip')) { skipExtensions += parseInt($(this).val()); } } }); if (current_room_extensions - skipExtensions > roomMaxExtensionCounts[room_id]) { current_room_extensions -= parseInt($(this).val()); $(this).val(0); } $(".options-select").each(function() { if ("-options-"+room_id+"-"+room_no) != -1) { $(this).val(roomCapacities[room_id] + current_room_extensions - skipExtensions); } }); extensionsPrice = 0; extensionsCount = 0; $(".extensions-options-select").each(function() { extensionsPrice += parseFloat($("#" +'amount', 'value')).val()) * parseInt($(this).val()); extensionsCount += parseInt($(this).val()); }); updateSummary(); }/*}}}*/ function loadConfirmationMessages() { queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/9', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $(".choose-offer").html($("cms cm content", xml).text()); }); queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/3', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $("#payment-finalized").html($("cms cm content", xml).text()); }); queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/5', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $("#payment-need-confirmation").html($("cms cm content", xml).text()); }); queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/19', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $("#payment-enquiry-info").html($("cms cm content", xml).text()); }); } function saveReservationSource(source) { if (source == "") { return; } queueRequest(); $.get('/reservations/save_source/' + source, function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); }); } function loadRegulationsAndPreauthInfo() { queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/1', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $(".regulations").html($("cms cm content", xml).text() + $(".regulations").html()); }); queueRequest(); $.get('/cms/view/17', function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); $(".preauth-info").html($("cms cm content", xml).text() + $(".preauth-info").html()); }); } function bindAndLoadAdditionalOptions() {/*{{{*/ $(".show-additional-options").each(function() { var optionsDivId ='show-additional-options', 'room-additional-options'); var offerOptionsDivId ='show-additional-options', 'room-offer-options'); var extensionsOptionsDivId ='show-additional-options', 'room-extensions-options'); var room_id ='show-additional-options-', '').split("-")[0]; $(this).click(function() { $("#"+optionsDivId).toggle(400); }); queueRequest(); $.get('/additional_options/index/'+offer_id+'/'+ room_id + '/' + selectionDateStart + '/' + selectionDateEnd, function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); var optionsHtml = ""; var i = 0; $("options extension", xml).each(function() { var currentId = parseInt($('id', this).text(), 10); var currentName = $('name', this).text(); var currentPrice = $('price', this).text() == ""?0:$('price', this).text(); var currentMaxCount = parseInt($('count', this).text()); optionsHtml += '
'; /* optionsHtml += ''; */ optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += '
'; extensionsNames[extensionsOptionsDivId.replace('room-extensions-options-', '') + '-' + currentId] = currentName; }); if (optionsHtml != "") { optionsHtml += '

'; } $("options additional_option", xml).each(function() { var currentId = parseInt($('id', this).text(), 10); var currentName = $('name', this).text(); var currentPrice = $('price', this).text(); optionsHtml += '
'; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; if ($('single', this).text() == 0 && roomCapacities[room_id] + roomMaxExtensionCounts[room_id] > 1) { optionsHtml += ''; } else { optionsHtml += ''; } optionsHtml += '
'; optionsNames['a' + currentId] = currentName; i++; }); $("options offer_option", xml).each(function() { var currentId = parseInt($('id', this).text(), 10); var currentName = $('name', this).text(); var currentPrice = $('price', this).text(); optionsHtml += '
'; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; if ($('single', this).text() == 0 && roomCapacities[room_id] + roomMaxExtensionCounts[room_id] > 1) { optionsHtml += ''; } else { optionsHtml += ''; } optionsHtml += '
'; optionsNames['o' + currentId] = currentName; i++; }); optionsHtml += '

'; $("#"+optionsDivId).html(optionsHtml); $("#"+optionsDivId + "-hide").click(function() { $('#' + optionsDivId).hide('slow'); }); $(".option-checkbox").change(updateSummary); $(".options-select").change(updateSummary); $('.extensions-options-select').change(updateRoomExtensions); // $('.extension-checkbox').click(updateRoomExtensions); }); }); }/*}}}*/ function roomSelected() {/*{{{*/ var anySelected = 0; $(".room_amount").each(function() { if ($(this).val() > 0) { anySelected += parseInt($(this).val()); } }); return anySelected; }/*}}}*/ function visitorsCount() {/*{{{*/ var visitors = 0; $(".room_amount").each(function() { if ($(this).val() > 0) { visitors += parseInt($(this).val()) * roomCapacities["rooms_amount_", "")]; } }); return visitors + extensionsCount; }/*}}}*/ function queueRequest() {/*{{{*/ if (pendingRequests == 0) { $("#whole").css("height", $(document).height()); $("#whole").css("width", $(document).width()); $("#whole").show(); // $("#whole").css("display","block"); // $("#whole").fadeTo("slow", 0.5); $(".ajax-loader").show(); } pendingRequests += 1; }/*}}}*/ function dequeueRequest() {/*{{{*/ pendingRequests -= 1; if (pendingRequests == 0) { $(".ajax-loader").hide(); $("#whole").hide(); /* $("#whole").fadeTo("slow", 0.0, function(){ $("#whole").css("display","none"); }); */ } }/*}}}*/ function isCreditCard( CC ) { if (CC.length > 19) return (false); sum = 0; mul = 1; l = CC.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { digit = CC.substring(l-i-1,l-i); tproduct = parseInt(digit ,10)*mul; if (tproduct >= 10) sum += (tproduct % 10) + 1; else sum += tproduct; if (mul == 1) mul++; else mul--; } if ((sum % 10) == 0) return (true); else return (false); } function verifyReservation() {/*{{{*/ var requiredFields = ["name", "surname", "street", "postCode", "city", "country", "phone", "email"]; var companyFields = ["company-name", "company-tax-id", "company-street", "company-postCode", "company-city", "company-country"]; var fieldNames = []; var errorInfo = "Proszę wypełnić następujące pola:\n"; var error = 0; var i; fieldNames["name"] = "Imie:"; fieldNames["surname"] = "Nazwisko"; fieldNames["street"] = "Ulica"; fieldNames["postCode"] = "Kod pocztowy"; fieldNames["city"] = "Miasto"; fieldNames["country"] = "Kraj"; fieldNames["phone"] = "Numer telefonu"; fieldNames["email"] = "Email"; fieldNames["company-name"] = "Nazwa firmy"; fieldNames["company-tax-id"] = "NIP"; fieldNames["company-street"] = "Ulica (faktura)"; fieldNames["company-postCode"] = "Kod pocztowy (faktura)"; fieldNames["company-city"] = "Miasto (faktura)"; fieldNames["company-country"] = "Kraj (faktura)"; for (i = 0; i < requiredFields.length; i++) { if ($("#"+requiredFields[i]).val() == "") { error = 1; errorInfo += "* Proszę wypełnić " + fieldNames[requiredFields[i]] + "\n"; } } if ($("#invoice:checked").val() == "on") { for (i = 0; i < companyFields.length; i++) { if ($("#"+companyFields[i]).val() == "") { error = 1; errorInfo += "* Proszę wypełnić " + fieldNames[companyFields[i]] + "\n"; } } } if ($("#conditions:checked").val() != "on") { error = 1; errorInfo += "Musisz zaakceptować regulamin.\n"; } if (error) { alert(errorInfo); } else { loadStep3(); } }/*}}}*/ function sendReservation() {/*{{{*/ var postData = ""; $("#makeReservationButton").unbind(); postData += "data[Reservation][offer_id]="+offer_id; postData += "&data[Reservation][date_from]="+selectionDateStart; postData += "&data[Reservation][date_to]="+selectionDateEnd; postData += "&data[Customer][name]="+escape($("#name").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][company_name]="+escape($("#company-name").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][surname]="+escape($("#surname").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][company_address]="+escape($("#company-street").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][address]="+escape($("#street").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][post_code]="+escape($("#postCode").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][company_post_code]="+escape($("#company-postCode").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][tax_id]="+escape($("#company-tax-id").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][city]="+escape($("#city").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][company_city]="+escape($("#company-city").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][country]="+escape($("#country").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][company_country]="+escape($("#company-country").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][phone]="+escape($("#phone").val()); postData += "&data[Customer][email]="+escape($("#email").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][comment]="+escape($("#specialRequirements").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][aproximate_arrival]="+escape($("#timeOfArrival").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][card_name]="+escape($("#card-name").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][card_surname]="+escape($("#card-surname").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][card_number]="+escape($("#card-number").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][card_expiration_date]="+escape($("#card-expiration-date").val()); postData += "&data[Reservation][card_cvc]="+escape($("#card-cvc").val()); if ($("#payment-enquiry:checked").val() == "enquiry") { postData += "&data[Reservation][enquiry]=1"; } else { postData += "&data[Reservation][enquiry]=0"; } if ($("#payment-full:checked").val() == "full") { postData += "&data[Payment][zaliczka]=0"; } else { postData += "&data[Payment][zaliczka]=1"; } if ($("#payment-online:checked").val() == "online") { postData += "&data[Payment][online]=1"; $("#makeReservationButton").click(function() { if (reservationComplete) { $("#onlinePaymentForm").submit(); } }); $("#makeReservationButton").val("Zapłać"); } else { postData += "&data[Payment][online]=0"; if ($("#payment-enquiry:checked").val() == "enquiry") { $("#payment-enquiry-info").show('slow'); } else if (!receptionPaymentSelected) { $("#payment-need-confirmation").show('slow'); } $("#makeReservationButton").val("Drukuj"); $("#makeReservationButton").click(function() { $("#step1-top").hide(); $("#step2-top").hide(); $("#step3-top").hide(); $("#makeReservationButton").hide(); $(".reservation a").hide(); window.print(); }); } $("#back-button").hide('slow'); activeStep = 0; queueRequest(); $.post("/reservations/add/language:pol/" + roomsString() + optionsString() + extensionsString(), postData, function(response) { dequeueRequest(); var error = 0; var reservationNumbers = []; var control = ''; var i; error = $("response error", response).text(); control = $("response control", response).text(); if (error != "0") { $(".step4").html($("response msg", response).text()); $("#makeReservationButton").hide(); $(".step3").hide('slow'); $(".step4").show('slow'); } else { i = 0; $("response reservations", response).each(function() { reservationNumbers[i] = $(this).text(); i += 1; }); i = 0; $(".reservationId").each(function() { $(this).html("(reservation number: " + reservationNumbers[i] + ")"); i += 1; }); $("#paymentDescription").val("Płatność za rezerwacje: " + reservationNumbers); $("#paymentControl").val(control); $("#dotpay-forename").val($("#name").val()); $("#dotpay-surname").val($("#surname").val()); $("#dotpay-street").val($("#street").val()); $("#dotpay-postcode").val($("#postCode").val()); $("#dotpay-city").val($("#city").val()); $("#dotpay-email").val($("#email").val()); reservationComplete = 1; if ($("response msg", response).text() != "") { alert($("response msg", response).text()); } } }); }/*}}}*/ function showSummary() {/*{{{*/ $("#summary-arrival").html(selectionDateStart); $("#summary-departure").html(selectionDateEnd); $("#summary-rooms-count").html("Ilość pokoi: " + roomSelected() + ""); $("#summary-visitors-count").html("Ilość gości: " + visitorsCount() + ""); $("#summary-base-price").html(parseFloat(totalPrice).toFixed(2) + " zł"); $("#summary-discount").html((parseFloat(totalPrice) * discount).toFixed(2) + "zł"); $("#summary-offer").html(offerNames[offer_id]); $("#payment-full").click(updateSummary); $("#payment-advance").click(updateSummary); updateSummary(); }/*}}}*/ function bindInvoice() {/*{{{*/ $("#invoice").click(function() { $("#company-details").toggle("slow"); }); }/*}}}*/ function loadStep3() {/*{{{*/ activeStep = 3; $(".step2-left").hide('slow'); $(".step2-right").hide('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo2.png)"); $(".step3").show('slow'); $(".step").each(function() { $(this).removeClass("selected"); }); $("#step3-top").addClass("selected"); // change bindings $("#back-button").unbind(); $('#makeReservationButton').unbind(); bindBackButtonHover(); bindReservationButtonHover(); $("#back-button").click(function() { loadStep2(1); }); $("#makeReservationButton").click(sendReservation); $("#step3-reservation-arrival").html("Data przyjazdu: " + selectionDateStart); $("#step3-reservation-departure").html("Data wyjazdu: " + selectionDateEnd); $("#step3-name").html("Imie: " + $('#name').val()); $("#step3-surname").html("Nazwisko: " + $('#surname').val()); $("#step3-address").html("Adres: " + $('#street').val() + "
" + $('#postCode').val() + " " + $("#city").val() + "
" + $('#country').val()); if ($("#invoice:checked").val() == "on") { $("#step3-invoice-details").show(); $("#step3-company-name").html("Nazwa firmy: " + $("#company-name").val()); $("#step3-company-address").html("Adres: " + $('#company-street').val() + "
" + $('#company-postCode').val() + " " + $("#company-city").val() + "
" + $('#company-country').val()); $("#step3-taxId").html("NIP: " + $("#company-tax-id").val()); } else { $("#step3-invoice-details").hide(); } var extensionsForRooms = []; $(".extensions-options-select").each(function() { extensionsForRooms['room-extensions-options-', '').replace('-amount', '')] = parseInt($(this).val()); }); var roomsHtml = ''; var i = 0; var d = 0; roomsHtml += '
Wybrane pokoje
'; $(".room_amount").each(function() { var roomId ='rooms_amount_', ''); if ($(this).val() > 0) { for (i=0; i < $(this).val(); i++) { roomsHtml += '
' + roomNames[roomId] + ' '; for (d = 1;d <= 4; d++) { if (extensionsForRooms[roomId + '-' + i + '-' + d] > 0) { roomsHtml += '+ ' + extensionsNames[roomId + '-' + i + '-' + d] + ' '; if (extensionsForRooms[roomId + '-' + i + '-' + d] > 1) { roomsHtml += 'x ' + extensionsForRooms[roomId + '-' + i + '-' + d] + ' '; } } } roomsHtml += '
'; roomsHtml += "
"; } } }); $("#step3-rooms").html(roomsHtml); }/*}}}*/ function loadStep2(backward) {/*{{{*/ activeStep = 2; if (!backward) { $(".thumbs-outer").hide('slow'); $(".calendar").hide('slow'); $(".ofert-info").hide('slow'); $(".more-info").hide('slow'); sliderDirection = "none"; $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : '0' }); $("#payment-offline").attr("checked", "checked"); $("#payment-online").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-enquiry").click(function() { receptionPaymentSelected = 0; }); if (offerPaymentEnquiryLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-enquiry").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-enquiry").attr("checked", ""); } // if immediate payment and typ != online and preautoryzacja, disabled if ($("#payment-enquiry").attr("disabled") == "") { $("#payment-enquiry").attr("checked", "checked"); } if (offerPaymentReceptionLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-reception").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-reception").attr("checked", ""); } // if immediate payment and typ != online and preautoryzacja, disabled if ($("#payment-reception").attr("disabled") == "") { $("#payment-reception").attr("checked", "checked"); } if (offerPaymentOfflineLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-offline").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-offline").attr("checked", ""); } // if immediate payment and typ != online and preautoryzacja, disabled if ($("#payment-offline").attr("disabled") == "") { $("#payment-offline").attr("checked", "checked"); } if (offerPaymentOnlineLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-online").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-online").attr("checked", ""); } // if immediate payment and typ != online and preautoryzacja, disabled if ($("#payment-online").attr("disabled") == "") { $("#payment-online").attr("checked", "checked"); } if (offerPaymentPreauthLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-preauth").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#payment-preauth").attr("checked", ""); } // if immediate payment and typ != online and preautoryzacja, disabled if ($("#payment-preauth").attr("disabled") == "") { $("#payment-preauth").attr("checked", "checked"); $("#payment-full").attr("checked", "checked"); $("#payment-advance").attr("disabled", "disabled"); receptionPaymentSelected = 1; updateSummary(); } } else { $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo.png)"); $(".step3").hide('slow'); } $(".step2-left").show('slow'); $(".step2-right").show('slow'); $(".step").each(function() { $(this).removeClass("selected"); }); $("#step2-top").addClass("selected"); $("#back-button").unbind(); $("#back-button").val("Wstecz"); $("#back-button").click(function() { loadStep1(); }); $('#makeReservationButton').unbind(); $('#makeReservationButton').click(verifyReservation); if (!backward) { $("#confirmation-selected-rooms").html(selectedRoomsHtml()); bindReservationButtonHover(); bindBackButtonHover(); bindAndLoadAdditionalOptions(); bindInvoice(); showSummary(); $("#show-regulations").click(showRulesAndRegulations); $("#preauth-more-info").click(showPreauthMoreInfo); } if (offerAdvanceLocked[currentOffer]) { $("#payment-full").attr("checked", "checked"); $("#payment-advance").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } updateSummary(); }/*}}}*/ function loadStep1() {/*{{{*/ activeStep = 1; $(".thumbs-outer").show('slow'); setTimeout("slideOffers()", 6000); sliderDirection = "left"; $(".calendar").show('slow'); $(".ofert-info").show('slow'); $(".step2-left").hide('slow'); $(".step2-right").hide('slow'); $(".step").each(function() { $(this).removeClass("selected"); }); $("#step1-top").addClass("selected"); $("#back-button").unbind(); $("#back-button").val("Resetuj"); $("#back-button").click(function() { window.location.reload(); }); extensionsPrice = 0; extensionsCount = 0; updateSummary(); selectionDone(); }/*}}}*/ function selectionDone() {/*{{{*/ loadRooms(offer_id); if (roomSelected() && offer_id) { queueRequest(); $.get("/div/total/" + offer_id + "/" + selectionDateStart + "/" + selectionDateEnd + "/" + roomsString(), function(response) { dequeueRequest(); totalPrice = response; queueRequest(); $.get("/div/discount/" + offer_id + "/" + selectionDateStart + "/" + selectionDateEnd, function(response) { dequeueRequest(); discount = parseFloat(response); $("#total-price").html((parseFloat(totalPrice) - parseFloat(totalPrice) * discount).toFixed(2) + " zł"); }); }); } $("#period-of-stay-start").html(selectionDateStart); $("#period-of-stay-end").html(selectionDateEnd); if (roomSelected()) { $('#makeReservationButton').unbind(); $('#makeReservationButton').click(function() { if (offer_id && roomSelected()) { loadStep2(0); } }); bindReservationButtonHover(); } }/*}}}*/ function bindReservationButtonHover() {/*{{{*/ $("#makeReservationButton").css("background-image", "url(/img/dalej1.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").mouseover(function() { $(this).css("background-image", "url(/img/dalej2.png)"); }); $("#makeReservationButton").mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background-image", "url(/img/dalej1.png)"); }); }/*}}}*/ function markSelection(currentId, force) {/*{{{*/ var cell_id = ''; var date_parts = selectionDateStart.split("-"); var current_date = new Date(); var current_month = ''; var current_day = ''; var lastDay = 0; current_date.setFullYear(parseInt(date_parts[0], 10), parseInt(date_parts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(date_parts[2], 10)); $('.day, .selected').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('day')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } }); while (cell_id != currentId) { if (lastDay) { return false; } current_month = current_date.getMonth()+1; current_day = current_date.getDate(); if (current_month.toString().length == 1) { current_month = "0"+current_month; } if (current_day.toString().length == 1) { current_day = "0"+current_day; } cell_id = "day_"+current_date.getFullYear()+"-"+current_month+"-"+current_day; if (!$("#"+cell_id).hasClass('selectable') && !force) { if (lastDay) { return false; } else { lastDay = 1; } } $("#"+cell_id).addClass('selected'); current_date.setDate(current_date.getDate()+1); } $(".day-price").hide(); return true; }/*}}}*/ function isTurn(id) {/*{{{*/ if (offerMinDays[id] != 0 && offerMinDays[id] == offerMaxDays[id]) { return true; } else { return false; } }/*}}}*/ function bindPrevAndNextMonth(date_from) {/*{{{*/ var dateFromParts = date_from.split("-"); var nextMonth = new Date(); var prevMonth = new Date(); nextMonth.setFullYear(dateFromParts[0], parseInt(dateFromParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(dateFromParts[2], 10)); prevMonth.setFullYear(dateFromParts[0], parseInt(dateFromParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(dateFromParts[2], 10)); prevMonth.setDate(prevMonth.getDate() - 1); nextMonth.setDate(nextMonth.getDate() + 31); $("#next-month").unbind(); $("#prev-month").unbind(); $("#prev-month").click(function() { $("#month-and-year").html(months[prevMonth.getMonth() + 1]+" "+prevMonth.getFullYear()); getCalendar(prevMonth.getFullYear()+"-"+(prevMonth.getMonth() + 1)+"-01"); }); $("#next-month").click(function() { $("#month-and-year").html(months[nextMonth.getMonth() + 1]+" "+nextMonth.getFullYear()); getCalendar(nextMonth.getFullYear()+"-"+(nextMonth.getMonth() + 1)+"-01"); }); }/*}}}*/ function checkSelection(date_from, date_to) {/*{{{*/ var cell_id = ''; var date_parts = date_from.split("-"); var endId = "day_"+date_to; var current_date = new Date(); var current_month = ''; var current_day = ''; var lastDay = 0; current_date.setFullYear(parseInt(date_parts[0], 10), parseInt(date_parts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(date_parts[2], 10)); while (cell_id != endId) { if (lastDay) { return false; } current_month = current_date.getMonth()+1; current_day = current_date.getDate(); if (current_month.toString().length == 1) { current_month = "0"+current_month; } if (current_day.toString().length == 1) { current_day = "0"+current_day; } cell_id = "day_"+current_date.getFullYear()+"-"+current_month+"-"+current_day; if (!$("#"+cell_id).hasClass('selectable')) { if (lastDay) { return false; } else { lastDay = 1; } } current_date.setDate(current_date.getDate()+1); } return true; }/*}}}*/ function selectPeriod(date_from, date_to) {/*{{{*/ var old_date_from = selectionDateStart; var old_date_to = selectionDateEnd; selectionDateStart = date_from; selectionDateEnd = date_to; /* if (!checkSelection(date_from, date_to)) { selectionDateStart = old_date_from; selectionDateEnd = old_date_to; return; } */ clearSelection(); markSelection("day_"+selectionDateEnd, 1); undoSelect = $("#day_"+selectionDateEnd).html(); undoElement = $("#day_"+selectionDateEnd); $("#day_"+selectionDateEnd).html(' dzień wyjazdu'); $("#day_"+selectionDateEnd).addClass('selection-end'); selectionDone(); $("#day_"+selectionDateStart).addClass('selection-start'); selectionCurrentDate = currentDateFrom; currentOffer = offer_id; }/*}}}*/ function periodEnd(date_from, number_of_days) {/*{{{*/ var start = new Date(); var day = ""; var month = ""; var firstDay = date_from.split("-"); start.setFullYear(firstDay[0], parseInt(firstDay[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(firstDay[2], 10)); start.setDate(start.getDate()+parseInt(number_of_days)); day = start.getDate(); month = start.getMonth() + 1; if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day; } if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month; } return start.getFullYear()+'-'+month+'-'+day; }/*}}}*/ function clearSelection() {/*{{{*/ $(".selection-start").removeClass('selection-start'); $(".selection-end").removeClass('selection-end'); if (undoElement) { undoElement.html(undoSelect); undoElement = false; } $("#period-of-stay-start").html("nie wybrano"); $("#period-of-stay-end").html("nie wybrano"); $("#total-price").html("----"); $('#makeReservationButton').unbind(); $(".day-price").show(); $(".selected").each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("day")) { $(this).removeClass("selected"); } }); }/*}}}*/ function getCalendar(date_from) {/*{{{*/ currentDateFrom = date_from; var turnsSuffix = ""; if (isTurn(offer_id)) { turnsSuffix = "/turns:" + $("#turnsAmount").val(); } queueRequest(); $.get('/reservations/calendar/'+offer_id+'/'+date_from+'/'+roomsString()+turnsSuffix, function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); var calendarCode = ''; var firstDay = ''; var dateParts = []; var current_date = new Date(); var dayOfWeek = 0; var emptyDays = 0; var error = $("error", xml).text(); if (error) { showError(error); return; } $("days day", xml).each(function() { if (firstDay == '') { firstDay = $('date', this).text().split('-'); current_date.setFullYear(firstDay[0], parseInt(firstDay[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(firstDay[2], 10)); dayOfWeek = current_date.getDay(); if (dayOfWeek == 0) { emptyDays = 6; } else { emptyDays = dayOfWeek - 1; } for (i = 0; i < emptyDays; i++) { calendarCode += '
'; } } else { dayOfWeek++; if (dayOfWeek == 7) { dayOfWeek = 0; } } dateParts = $('date', this).text().split('-'); if (firstDay[1] != dateParts[1] && dateParts[2] == "01") { calendarCode += '
'; calendarCode += '
'+months[parseInt(dateParts[1], 10)]+' '+dateParts[0]+'
'; if (dayOfWeek == 0) { emptyDays = 6; } else { emptyDays = dayOfWeek - 1; } for (i = 0; i < emptyDays; i++) { calendarCode += '
'; } } if ($('price', this).text() != '-1') { if (roomSelected()) { calendarCode += '
'+dateParts[2]+'od '+parseFloat($('price', this).text()).toFixed(2)+'zł
'; } else { if (isTurn(offer_id)) { calendarCode += '
'; } else { calendarCode += '
'; } } } else { calendarCode += '
'; } }); $('.day, .selected').each(function() { $(this).unbind(); }); selectionStarted = false; $('#calendarDays').html(calendarCode); bindPrevAndNextMonth(date_from); if (selectionDateStart != "" && selectionDateEnd != "" && selectionCurrentDate == currentDateFrom && currentOffer == offer_id) { selectPeriod(selectionDateStart, selectionDateEnd); } $('.day, .selected').each(function() { $(this).click(function() { if (selectionStarted) { var details ="_"); if (!markSelection(, 0) || selectionDateStart == details[1] || daysCount(selectionDateStart, details[1]) < offerMinDays[offer_id] || (offerMaxDays[offer_id] != 0 && daysCount(selectionDateStart, details[1]) > offerMaxDays[offer_id])) { return; } selectionStarted = 0; selectionDateEnd = details[1]; selectionCurrentDate = currentDateFrom; currentOffer = offer_id; undoSelect = $(this).html(); undoElement = $(this); $(this).html(' dzień wyjazdu'); $(this).addClass('selection-end'); selectionDone(); } else { if (!$(this).hasClass('selectable')) { return; } var details ="_"); if (isTurn(offer_id)) { selectPeriod(details[1], periodEnd(details[1], offerMaxDays[offer_id] * $("#turnsAmount").val())); return; } selectionStarted = 1; selectionDateStart = details[1]; selectionDateEnd = ''; clearSelection(); $(this).addClass('selection-start'); } }); $(this).mouseover(function() { if (selectionStarted) { markSelection(, 0); } }); }); }); }/*}}}*/ function showError(error) {/*{{{*/ $(".thumbs").hide('slow'); $(".calendar").hide('slow'); $(".ofert-info").hide('slow'); $(".more-info").hide('slow'); $(".regulations").html(error); $(".regulations").show('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo2.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").hide('slow'); // $("#back-button").hide('slow'); }/*}}}*/ function moreInfoShow(event) {/*{{{*/ $(".calendar").hide('slow'); $(".more-info").show('slow'); scrollPosition = $(".content").scrollTop(); $(".content").animate({scrollTop : 0}, 'slow'); $(".hide-more-info").unbind(); $(".hide-more-info").click(function() { $(".more-info").hide('slow'); $(".calendar").show('slow'); $(".content").animate({ scrollTop : scrollPosition}, 'slow'); }); }/*}}}*/ function showRulesAndRegulations() {/*{{{*/ $(".step2-left").hide('slow'); $(".step2-right").hide('slow'); $(".regulations").show('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo2.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").hide('slow'); $("#back-button").hide('slow'); $(".hide-regulations").click(function() { $(".step2-left").show('slow'); $(".step2-right").show('slow'); $(".regulations").hide('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").show('slow'); $("#back-button").show('slow'); }); }/*}}}*/ function showPreauthMoreInfo() {/*{{{*/ $(".step2-left").hide('slow'); $(".step2-right").hide('slow'); $(".preauth-info").show('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo2.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").hide('slow'); $("#back-button").hide('slow'); $(".hide-preauth-info").click(function() { $(".step2-left").show('slow'); $(".step2-right").show('slow'); $(".preauth-info").hide('slow'); $(".ofert-details").css("background-image", "url(/img/tlo.png)"); $("#makeReservationButton").show('slow'); $("#back-button").show('slow'); }); }/*}}}*/ function bindRoomsMoreInfo() {/*{{{*/ $(".room-more-info").each(function() { var moreid ="room-more-info", ""); $(this).click(function(event) { $(".more-info").html('


'); moreInfoShow(event); }); }); }/*}}}*/ function showMoreInfo(id, description, no_back_button, event) {/*{{{*/ var content = '


'; if (!no_back_button) { content += ''; } $(".more-info").html(content); moreInfoShow(event); }/*}}}*/ function bindOffersMoreInfo(id, description) {/*{{{*/ $("#offer-more-info").click(function(event) { showMoreInfo(id, description, 0, event); }); }/*}}}*/ function bindRoomsEvents() {/*{{{*/ $(".room").each(function() { var room_id = parseInt("room_", "")); $(".room-select-"+room_id).each(function() { $(this).click(function() { if ($("#rooms_amount_"+room_id).val() == 0) { $("#rooms_amount_"+room_id).val("1"); if ($("#rooms_amount_"+room_id).val() == "1") { getCalendar(currentDateFrom); $("#room_"+room_id).addClass("room-selected"); if (selectionDateStart != "" && selectionDateEnd != "") { selectionDone(); } } } else { $("#room_"+room_id).removeClass("room-selected"); $("#rooms_amount_"+room_id).val("0"); onlyRoom = 0; } }); }); $(this).mouseover(function() { $(".room").each(function() { $(this).removeClass('room-hover'); }); $(this).addClass('room-hover'); }); $(this).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass('room-hover'); }); }); $(".room_amount").each(function() { $(this).change(function() { var room_id ="rooms_amount_", ""); getCalendar(currentDateFrom); if (selectionDateStart != "" && selectionDateEnd != "") { selectionDone(); } if ($(this).val() == "0") { onlyRoom = 0; $("#room_"+room_id).removeClass("room-selected"); } else { $("#room_"+room_id).addClass("room-selected"); } }); }); }/*}}}*/ function loadRooms(for_offer_id) {/*{{{*/ queueRequest(); roomAmounts = []; roomIds = []; if (for_offer_id == offer_id) { $(".room_amount").each(function() { roomAmounts.push($(this).val()); }); $(".room").each(function() { roomIds.push("room_", "")); }); } $.get('/rooms/index/' + for_offer_id + '/date_from:' + selectionDateStart + '/date_to:' + selectionDateEnd + '/' + roomsString(), function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); var roomsList = ''; roomNames = []; roomDescriptions = []; roomPrices = []; $("rooms room", xml).each(function() { var currentId = parseInt($('id', this).text(), 10); var currentAmount = parseInt($('amount', this).text()); if (parseInt($('amount', this).text()) > 5) { currentAmount = 5; } if (currentAmount != 0 && parseFloat($('price', this).text()) > 0) { var selectedAmount; var capacityIco = $('capacity', this).text(); if (parseInt(capacityIco) > 6) { capacityIco = "x"; } selectedAmount = 0; for (i=0;i 0) { roomsList += ' room-selected'; } roomsList += '" id="room_'+currentId+'">'+ ''+$('name', this).text()+''+ '
'+ ''+$('name', this).text()+''+ ''+parseFloat($('price', this).text()).toFixed(2)+'zł'+ '
'+ '
'+ 'l1 więcej informacjiico'+ ''; if (currentAmount > 1) { roomsList += 'Ilość pokoi:'+ ''; } else { roomsList += ''; } roomsList += ''+ '
'+ ''; } roomNames[currentId] = $('name', this).text(); roomDescriptions[currentId] = $('description', this).text(); roomPrices[currentId] = parseFloat($('price', this).text()); roomCapacities[currentId] = parseInt($('capacity', this).text()); roomMaxExtensionCounts[currentId] = parseInt($('max_extensions_count', this).text()); }); $("#rooms").html(roomsList); bindRoomsMoreInfo(); bindRoomsEvents(); if (onlyRoom && $("#rooms_amount_"+onlyRoom).val() == 0) { $("#rooms_amount_"+onlyRoom).val("1"); getCalendar(currentDateFrom); $("#room_"+onlyRoom).addClass("room-selected"); if (selectionDateStart != "" && selectionDateEnd != "") { selectionDone(); } } }); }/*}}}*/ function getOffers(parent_id, offerToLoad) {/*{{{*/ $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', '0'); $(".thumbs").hide('slow'); queueRequest(); $.get('/offers/index/' + parent_id, function(xml) { dequeueRequest(); var offersList = ''; var alreadySelected = offerToLoad; if (parent_id) { sliderOffers = 1; offersList += '
'+ '
'+ 'Wstecz'+ '
'; } else { sliderOffers = 0; } $("offers offer", xml).each(function() { var currentId = parseInt($('id', this).text()); sliderOffers += 1; offersList += '
'+ '
'+$('name', this).text()+'
'+ ''+$('name', this).text()+''+ '
od '+parseFloat($('price', this).text()).toFixed(2)+'zł'; if ($('price_per_stay', this).text() != "1") { offersList += '/noc'; } offersList += '
'; offerNames[currentId] = $('name', this).text(); offerDescriptions[currentId] = $('description', this).text(); offerShortDescriptions[currentId] = $('short_description', this).text(); offerPrices[currentId] = $('price', this).text(); offerMinDays[currentId] = parseInt($('minimum', this).text()); offerMaxDays[currentId] = parseInt($('maximum', this).text()); offerUnfolds[currentId] = parseInt($('unfold', this).text()); offerParents[currentId] = parseInt($('parent_id', this).text()); offerPricePerStay[currentId] = parseInt($('price_per_stay', this).text()); offerDateFrom[currentId] = $('date_from', this).text(); offerAdvanceLocked[currentId] = parseInt($('advance_locked', this).text()); if ($('payment_offline_locked', this).text() == "1") { offerPaymentOfflineLocked[currentId] = 1; } else { offerPaymentOfflineLocked[currentId] = 0; } if ($('payment_online_locked', this).text() == "1") { offerPaymentOnlineLocked[currentId] = 1; } else { offerPaymentOnlineLocked[currentId] = 0; } if ($('payment_preauth_locked', this).text() == "1") { offerPaymentPreauthLocked[currentId] = 1; } else { offerPaymentPreauthLocked[currentId] = 0; } if ($('payment_reception_locked', this).text() == "1") { offerPaymentReceptionLocked[currentId] = 1; } else { offerPaymentReceptionLocked[currentId] = 0; } if ($('payment_enquiry_locked', this).text() == "1") { offerPaymentEnquiryLocked[currentId] = 1; } else { offerPaymentEnquiryLocked[currentId] = 0; } if (!alreadySelected) { alreadySelected = currentId; } }); $(".thumbs").html(offersList); if (sliderOffers > 1) { $(".thumbs-outer").show(); $(".thumbs").show('slow'); } else { $(".thumbs-outer").hide(); } selectOffer(alreadySelected); $(".thumbs .thumb").each(function() { $(this).click(function() { var currentId = parseInt('offer', '')); if ( == "offer_back") { getOffers(offerParents[parent_id], 0); } else { offerClick(currentId); } }); }); }); }/*}}}*/ function offerClick(currentId) {/*{{{*/ firstDisplay = 0; $("#left-arrow").hide(); $("#right-arrow").hide(); $(".thumbs").css("width", "767px"); $(".thumbs").css("height", "auto"); $(".thumbs-frame").css("height", "auto"); $(".thumbs-outer").css("height", "auto"); if (offerUnfolds[currentId]) { getOffers(currentId, 0); } else { selectOffer(currentId); } selectionDateStart = ''; }/*}}}*/ function selectOffer(id) {/*{{{*/ var name = offerNames[id]; var description = offerDescriptions[id]; var short_description = offerShortDescriptions[id]; var offerDateFromParts = offerDateFrom[id].split("-"); var offerDateFromDay = new Date(offerDateFromParts[0], parseInt(offerDateFromParts[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(offerDateFromParts[2], 10)); var today = new Date(); $("#offer-name").html(name); if (today.getTime() - offerDateFromDay.getTime() < 0) { // offer begins in future $("#month-and-year").html(months[offerDateFromDay.getMonth() + 1]+" "+offerDateFromDay.getFullYear()); currentDateFrom = offerDateFrom[id]; } else { if (savedCurrentDateFrom != "") { var savedYear = savedCurrentDateFrom.split("-")[0]; var savedMonth = parseInt(savedCurrentDateFrom.split("-")[1], 10); $("#month-and-year").html(months[savedMonth]+" "+savedYear); currentDateFrom = savedCurrentDateFrom; savedCurrentDateFrom = ""; } else { $("#month-and-year").html(months[today.getMonth() + 1]+" "+today.getFullYear()); currentDateFrom = '2024-04-01'; } } roomIds = []; roomAmounts = []; offer_id = id; $("#turnsAmount").val(1); $(".thumbs .thumb").each(function() { $(this).removeClass('select-thumb'); }); $(".thumbs #offer"+id).addClass('select-thumb'); $('.ofert-info .title').html(''+name+''+name); $('.ofert-info .informations').html(short_description+'

więcej informacjiico

'); if (!offerUnfolds[id]) { $(".ofert-info").show('slow'); $(".choose-offer").hide('slow'); bindOffersMoreInfo(id, description); loadRooms(id); $("#turns").unbind(); if (isTurn(id)) { $("#turns").show(); $("#turnsAmount").change(function() { clearSelection(); selectionDateStart = ""; selectionDateEnd = ""; getCalendar(currentDateFrom); loadRooms(offer_id); }); } else { $("#turns").hide(); } } else { $(".ofert-info").hide('slow'); $(".choose-offer").show('slow'); } getCalendar(currentDateFrom); }/*}}}*/ function bindBackButtonHover() {/*{{{*/ $(".button-style").mouseover(function() { $(this).css("background-image", "url(/img/button2.png)"); }); $(".button-style").mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background-image", "url(/img/button1.png)"); }); }/*}}}*/ function bindSliderArrows() {/*{{{*/ $("#left-arrow").click(function() { var currentMargin = parseInt($(".thumbs").css('margin-left')); if (currentMargin >= 0) { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', "0px"); } else { if (currentMargin > -625) { $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : '0' }); } else { $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : '+=625' }); } } }); $("#right-arrow").click(function() { var currentMargin = parseInt($(".thumbs").css('margin-left')); if (currentMargin <= -125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 5, 0)) { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', (-125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 5, 0))+"px"); } else { if (currentMargin < 625-125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 5, 0)) { $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : -125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 5, 0) }); } else { $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : '-=625' }); } } }); $(".thumbs-outer").live('mouseover', function() { if (firstDisplay) { return; } if (sliderDirection != "none") { $(".thumbs").animate({ marginLeft : '0' }); sliderDirection = "none"; } $("#left-arrow").hide(); $("#right-arrow").hide(); $(".thumbs").css("width", "767px"); $(".thumbs").css("height", "auto"); $(".thumbs-frame").css("height", "auto"); $(".thumbs-outer").css("height", "auto"); // $(".thumbs-frame").css("margin-left", "68px"); }); $(".thumbs-outer").live('mouseout', function() { if (firstDisplay) { return; } $("#left-arrow").show(); $("#right-arrow").show(); $(".thumbs").css("width", "2000px"); $(".thumbs").css("height", "95px"); $(".thumbs-frame").css("height", "93px"); $(".thumbs-outer").css("height", "95px"); $(".thumbs-frame").css("margin-left", "0"); }); $("#left-arrow").mouseover(function() { $(this).css('background', 'url(/img/le1.png)'); }); $("#left-arrow").mouseout(function() { $(this).css('background', 'url(/img/le2.png)'); }); $("#right-arrow").mouseover(function() { $(this).css('background', 'url(/img/r1.png)'); }); $("#right-arrow").mouseout(function() { $(this).css('background', 'url(/img/r2.png)'); }); }/*}}}*/ function slideOffers() {/*{{{*/ if (sliderDirection == "none") { return; } var currentMargin = parseInt($(".thumbs").css('margin-left')); if (sliderDirection == "right") { if (currentMargin >= 0) { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', "0px"); sliderDirection = "left"; } else { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', (currentMargin + 2)+"px"); } } if (sliderDirection == "left") { if (currentMargin <= -125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 6, 0)) { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', (-125*Math.max(sliderOffers - 6, 0))+"px"); sliderDirection = "right"; } else { $(".thumbs").css('margin-left', (currentMargin - 2)+"px"); } } setTimeout("slideOffers()", 100); }/*}}}*/ function bindStepsTop() { $("#step1-top").live('click', function() { if (activeStep != 2) { return; } loadStep1(); }); $("#step2-top").live('click', function() { if (activeStep != 3) { return; } loadStep2(1); }); } $(document).ready(function() {/*{{{*/ var currentLocation = new String(document.location); var offerToLoad = 1; var parentToLoad = 0; var language = 'pol'; var reservationSource = ''; var params = currentLocation.split("?"); if (params.length > 1) { params = params[1].split("&"); for (i=0;i